Dr Seah was also awarded the Singapore Health Manpower Development Plan Fellowship where he spent time at the Department of Plastic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston and at the Harbourview Medical Centre, Seattle.
Dr Seah is a fellow in Plastic Surgery of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He is accredited as a specialist in Plastic Surgery by the Singapore Medical Council and the Singapore Ministry of Health.
Dr Seah has been in private practice at Gleneagles Medical Centre since 1997. Besides aesthetic surgery, Dr Seah continues his special interest in breast reconstruction following surgery for breast cancer. Having helped start the service while he was in the Singapore General Hospital, he is glad that breast reconstruction is now routinely available to women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
Dr Seah was a past president of the Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons and was also a visiting consultant at the Singapore General Hospital, National Cancer Centre, Changi General Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.